Canvas Login for Parents » Canvas Login for Parents

Canvas Login for Parents

What is Canvas?  And, Why is it important for Parents to use it?
Canvas is DuBois Central Catholic's learning management system (LMS) which is a free web-based program offered to our students and families.  Our students are required to use this web-based system on a daily basis for accessing teacher assignments and course syllabuses, and to submit school assignments.
Canvas serves as a vital student tool for daily access and management of online course learning materials.  However, Canvas is not intended for student use only.  It is a useful tool that DuBois Central Catholic School provides to parents so they can take an active role in their child's education.  Canvas should be regularly accessed by parents to communicate with teachers, view their child's grades in current time, and monitor their child's performance to assist them in their success.
Parents can set up Canvas by following step-by-step instructions at Canvas Login Directions .  The Canvas Login home screen can be accessed at any time for parent or student use to login to their account.  
For convenience, we also offer a Canvas Parent App training video, where parents can easily access their child's account and monitor their school performance.