Parent Teacher Organization
The Cardinal PTO is a group of dedicated volunteers whose mission is to aspire to promote the partnership between parents and teachers of DCC. We envision a caring and encourageing educatioinal environment for all DCC students in grades PreK through 12.
Current Executive Committee:
Chair: Paula Sliwinski
Vice Chair: Beth Roy
Treasurer: Ayren Kovalick
Secretary: Kara Hoover
Teacher Liaison: Jen Pisarcik
Event Coordinator: Tabi Torrell
Appreciation Ambassador: Amy Lydick
Meeting Schedule:
The first Wednesday of the month in September, November, January, March and May at 4:30pm.
Any questions regarding the PTO should be sent to [email protected] or [email protected]
Thank you to all who braved the rainy weather
and ventured out to Trunk or Treat!
Congratulations to the Rice Family for winning "Best Trunk" for the 3rd year in a row!