Rotary Rebate Program » Rotary Tuition Rebate Program Vendor Participation

Rotary Tuition Rebate Program Vendor Participation

The Rotary Rebate Tuition Program has been funded by the DuBois Area Rotary Club and has been active since September of 2002 at the DuBois Area Catholic School. With this program we purchase gift certificates from businesses at a discount, and then sell them for full face value to the families, creating a rebate on the difference. That difference is applied to the families tuition for the following school year.

There are over 65 vendors, national and local that participate in the program. It is a win/win situation for both the business and the families, the gift certificates are ordered from the business and paid for when we pick them up. They are then sold to the families at the school.

How Your Business Can Participate

If you should choose to participate in the program, there are a few things that we would like you to know:

  1. Your participation does not require a contract with the school.
  2. You can change your percentages and restrictions at any time. Please give us 2 – 3 weeks notice so that we can notify our members in our newsletters.
  3. You will be required to provide your own certificates.
  4. Certificates are ordered on Monday and picked up at your business on Wednesday of that same week. Because we run on the schedule of the school system, if school is not in session on a Monday an order will not be placed.
  5. You will need to decide what percentage works for your business, remember you can always change your percentages. We have found that it is better to start lower and go to a higher percentage than to reduce your percentage. Some businesses also give holiday bonus percentages.
  6. You decide what type of restrictions are necessary. Some companies do not give change if there is more than a $5.00 difference between the items purchased and the gift certificates redeemed, some companies do give change regardless of the amounts. Please review the list of businesses and their information on ideas for your business.
  7. Keep the amount of certificates at a minimum. Sometimes offering only a few denominations is better. Again, you decide what works for your business.
  8. Each week a newsletter is included with each families order. The newsletter updates everyone on new businesses joining the program, program changes, our account total, and any contests that are currently being offered. We also publish a newsletter electronically to families that want that service. We also offer to stuff the order envelopes with a flier from your company, please call ahead for information.

If you would like to participate in the program, call the Rotary Rebate Coordinator with the specifics of your business at 814-503-7073. You are encouraged to leave a message for the coordinator if there is not an answer.