Rotary Rebate Program » FAQ


Rotary Tuition Rebate Program -Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this another Fund Raiser?

No! This is a program designed to help reduce your tuition. This is not a fund raiser and you will not be asked to sell anything.
  • How much will it cost me to participate in this program?

Nothing! You don’t have to buy anything extra, you don’t pay a penny more, and you can make your purchases whenever YOU choose. The reason for its effectiveness is simple: families receive the rebate by making purchases that they would make anyway, for groceries, gasoline, restaurants, clothing, etc.
  • Why did you refer to this as SCRIP earlier?

Scrip is a term that means “substitute money”. When we purchase scrip, we are purchasing negotiable gift certificates that are used just like cash.
  • What merchants are participating in this program?

A list of merchants both locally owned and national companies are available for your review. You will see the company name, the certificate amount and the percentage that will be the “rebate” that you will receive. Currently there are over 700 national retailers and more than 50 local retailers available. These do change frequently, so check back often to see what new businesses are available.
  • Will there be more local companies’ participating in the program?

We hope so! If you own a company or know someone that does and would like to participate, please ask for a business packet. This packet will contain necessary forms and information. It is a win/win situation for the retailers and your family. The retailers receive their money up front and your family receives a rebate on the tuition cost.
  • How does the money go toward my families’ tuition?

When you purchase your scrip (or gift certificates), the percentage goes directly into your families account. For example, you purchase $100.00 worth of grocery scrip’s (you pay the face value of the scrip), your account is credited with between $3.00 and $7.00 depending on the percentage offered.
  • What if someone does not have a child in the system, can they buy certificates and have the rebates go toward my families’ tuition?

Yes, they may purchase certificates and designate the money to anyone’s account. This is a great opportunity for grandparents and other family members to help with your families’ tuition cost. The easiest way for your family to receive the rebate is to include their certificate order on your order form. Then no additional paperwork will be required. Otherwise, they will need to fill out the “designate” form so that your family receives the proper credit.
  • Who do we call and where do we buy the scrip’s that we want?

Order forms are available in the Rotary Office and also on this website. All completed order forms are due by Monday at 9:00 am to the Rotary Office. No late orders are accepted, but can be held for the next week. Orders are processed every Monday and will be available during walk in hours listed on the monthly calendar. If a child is designated to bring certificates home, the certificates will be given to them, otherwise the Certificates will be in the Rotary Office for you to pick up. If you are unable to pick up your order at the designated time, please call the scrip office at (814) 503-7073 or email [email protected].
  • Does this program run all year or end in the summer?

The Rotary Program begins June 1st and ends May 31st of each year. If you are working on reducing your tuition for the 2022 – 2023 school year, you will need to buy certificates before May 31st 2022. Any certificates purchased on or after June 1st, 2022 will be applied to the 2023 – 2024 school year. We do offer monthly orders during the summer.
  • Why is this called the Rotary Tuition Rebate Program?

The Rotary Club of DuBois is very active in this community and abides by the motto of “Service above Self”. They have been very generous and have agreed to fund this program. They understand the value of education and the impact that it has and will have in our community. They know that this program is a wonderful opportunity for the families’, regardless of their income, to help educate their children. They have seen firsthand the caliber of our students while interviewing them both for the RYLA program and for the College Scholarships that they award. Please take a moment of your time to thank this wonderful club, and its members, which continues to do so much within this community.
  • For more information, contact the Rotary Program Coordinator at [email protected] or call 814-503-7073.