Counselor's Office » CARE Team


Student Assistance Program – C.A.R.E. Team

What is the C.A.R.E. Team?
DCC’s student assistance program, the C.A.R.E. team exists to help students who are struggling.  According to the PA Department of Human Services, the team consists of teachers and administrators who are trained to identify and to remove barriers to learning.  Our C.A.R.E. team is designed to assist in identifying issues including mental well-being, alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and other issues which pose a barrier to a student’s success.
How do I refer a friend who needs help or myself?
If you or a friend is struggling with issues, you can make a referral by contacting a member of the team.  You can also fill out a form found in the high school office and drop it in the locked box.  Referral tear-off forms can be found posted outside of the middle/high school guidance office and throughout the school; that form can also be dropped in the locked box in the office or given to a member of the team.
Members of DCC’s C.A.R.E. Team are as follows:
Ms. Aucker, Mrs. Caruso, Mr. Rice, Mrs. Gressler, Mr. Murphy,  and Mrs. Dutra