Rachel's Challenge is here, and our students are ready!

On Nov. 7th, middle and high school students were greeted by a special guest from Colorado, Ms. Kayla Bergholz, a speaker representing the non-profit awareness organization called "Rachel's Challenge."  Rachel's Challenge serves as a bullying, school violence, and suicide prevention program that was created in memory of Rachel Joy Scott, the first student fatality in the Columbine High School shooting on April 20, 1999.
Rachel's Challenge addresses the root causes of school violence, bullying, prejudices, and self-harm through student wellness programs that build connection, hope and resilience. Teaching positive tools to students is how we change culture and relationships among peers.  These changes can be made through kindness.
The student assembly, however, was just the beginning of the program.  Moving forward, DuBois Central Catholic Students will develop programs that address the issues and adversities our students face in today's social culture.  The program will take the form of the "FOR Club", which stands for "Friends Of Rachel Club."
If parents would like to know more about the program, and initiatives underway for 2024, please contact our school guidance office at 814-372-3880.